M&P Railroad

SD60M Locomotive

Information below is based on our records for our locomotives. If you have questions be sure to reach out.

Norfolk Southern SD60M #6804

These are all HO Scale engines, based on the following information below in the list format. This information is provided for my fictional M&P Railroad based on the way I operate it. To find more information please scroll down.

Main Engine Information:

Other Engine Information:

Locomotive Image:

MP Railroad Logo

HO EMD Norfolk Southern SD60M locomotive

Plastic and metal locomotive

DCC socket
Directional constant headlights
Drawbar pull: 5 ounces
Dual flywheel drive
Engine weight: 26 ounces
Five-pole can motor
Minimum radius: 18″ (24″ is better)
Nickel silver RP25 wheels and stub
axles, mounted in gauge
12-wheel drive and electrical pickup

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